Sunday 9 August 2015

QSO with Former Club Member

I received an email last night (August 4th) from Mike Bracci N2GF after making a JT65 contact with him who identified himself as a former YRARC member (as VA3PS, but he also has calls VA3YQA, VE3IWR, VE3TPH, and VE3YKZ) and Emergency Coordinator for North York. I'm pretty sure he was before my time but didn't mention the years that he was a member. Maybe some of you will remember him. Please let me know if you do.

His QTH, like many Canadians it seems, is now Fort Myers, Florida. His page lists his address as a condo, so I suspect JT65 is a great way for him to get his signal out with a stealth antenna.

Here's a picture of his new rig, a Yaesu FTDX1200.

1 comment:

  1. I heard from Ron Gibson VE3CGR who let me know he was a member in the late 90's.
    Thanks Ron.
