Friday 18 August 2017

Upcoming Club Meetings

We begin another meeting season on the first Tuesday of September at the Sharon Temperance Hall at 7:30pm. Our Fall meeting presentations have been set as follows.

  • September 5th: Grant VE3XTV will be bringing along ATV hardware to show what it can do. If you have a receiver bring it with you. The receivers used are standard free to air Satellite receive, for analog FM or digital DVB-S with a Mpeg2 decoder, the IF range is 950 to 2150 MHz; our 23cm band is from 1240 to 1300 MHz. As for the 13cm band (2.3 GHz up to 2.45 GHz) he will bring along a few Satellite down-converters to receive the repeater output at 2370 MHz.

  • October 3rd: Hugh VE3AYR will talk about the VIMY100 special event station.

  • November 7th: John VA3KOT will give a presentation on NBEMS (Narrow Band Emergency Message System).
We are in need of presentations for the club meetings January - May 2018. If you have one that you like to make or know of some one who might do one please let me know.

Thank you Geoff VA3GS for putting this together.

Wednesday 16 August 2017

Minutes - YRARC Board of Directors 2017-07-18

Meeting held in the Magna Centre, Multipurpose Room 1. Called to Order at 19:15 by Geoff VA3GS. Board members attending: Barry VA3LLT, David VA3DCY, Eric VE3EB, Geoff VA3GS, Mike VA3MCT, Rick VA3VO, Steve VE3UT. Absent: Charles VA3TTB, Chris VE3NRT, John VE3IPS. Others attending: John VA3JI.
  1. Approval of Agenda & declaration of conflicts of interest. Amendments: There was no prepared agenda.
  2. Election of President. There was no one elected as president
  3. Election of Officers.
    • Moved by Rick VA3VO, seconded by Eric VE3EB that Steve VE3UT be nominated for the office of vice-president. There were no other nominations. Steve VE3UT becomes the new vice-president. Carried.
    • There was no one elected as treasurer.
    • Moved by Steve VE3UT, seconded by Eric VE3EB that David VA3DCY be nominated for the office of secretary. There were no other nominations. David VA3DCY becomes the new secretary. Carried.
  4. Other appointments:
    • Repeater: Steve VE3UT
    • WYNSORC: Geoff VA3GS
    • Public Service: Eric VE3EB
    • EmComm/ARES: John VE3IPS and Mike VA3MCT
    • Membership: Barry VA3LLT
    • Property: Rick VA3VO
    • Trailer: Barry VA3LLT
    • Media & Communications: (not filled)
    • Field Day: Steve VE3UT
    • Meeting Programs: Geoff VA3GS
    • Hamfest: Geoff VA3GS
    • Web Site: Mike VA3MCT
    • Training: Geoff VA3GS
    • Moved that the positions be filled by the directors listed above by Geoff VA3GS. Seconded by Mike VA3MCT. Carried. As newly elected vice-president, Steve VE3UT now chaired the meeting.
  5. Minutes: David VA3DCY. Motion: To adopt minutes of Board Meeting 2017/06/20. Moved Barry VA3LLT, seconded Geoff VA3GS. Carried.
  6. Treasurer’s report: John VA3JI (past treasurer)
    • Balance at end of Fiscal Year 2017: [Balance available to members on request to club secretary]
    • Transferred to Fiscal Year 2018: [Balance available to members on request to club secretary]
    • There were no transactions.
    • Closing Balance 2017/07/18: [Balance available to members on request to club secretary]
    • Motion: To adopt the treasurer’s report and to thank John VA3JI for a job well done. Moved Geoff VA3GS, seconded Steve VE3UT. Carried.
  7. Field Day: Steve VE3UT
    • Steve mentioned that Peter VE3PBT will not be able to cook next year. We will need other arrangements.
    • Steve and David will meet to complete the field day accounts.
      These are the results of Summer Field Day 2017:
      160m –3 qso20m cw – 32 qso
      80m cw – 55 qso20m dig – 37 qso
      80m dig – 12 qso20m ph – 455 qso
      80m ph – 183 qso15m ph – 12 qso
      40m cw – 476 qsoSat – 64 qso (an all time record)
      40m dig – 181 qsoGOTA – 22 qso
      40m ph – 142 qso
      We also received bonus points for running on generators, media, agency, youth involvement,copying the W1AW bulletin and safety.
  8. Public Service: Eric VE3EB
    • Eric thanked those who participated at the Canada Day event at the Sharon Temple.
    • There will be another Sharon Temple event on Sunday 2017/07/23.
    • The Newmarket Music Festival will return to the Newmarket Riverwalk Commons with new dates 2017/08 /25 to 27.
  9. Trailer: Barry VA3LLT. The trailer needs a clean-up and a complete inventory.
  10. Hamfest: Geoff VA3GS. Information has been sent to vendors, and is also on the RAC website. On-Line Motion: 2017-06-22-1 to pay $785.80 for the Markham Fair - Hamfest Deposit. Moved Geoff VA3GS, seconded David VA3DCY. Carried.
  11. Property: Rick VA3VO
    • We need to decide what goes on the inventory list.
    • It was decided to recall all go-kits and replace any missing items. The go-kits will be recalled for the September meeting.
    • The new inventory list of equipment should include serial numbers (if available) and inventory tags should be added to all equipment, including power supplies and repeaters.
    • John VA3JI suggested creating an on-line data base, accessible to all board members, and John volunteered to set up the data base.
  12. Programs and Classes: Geoff VA3GS. At the September meeting, Grant VE3XTV will be our speaker.
  13. Repeaters: Steve VE3UT. Doug VE3ATP has a 900 MHz antenna that could be used for an ATV repeater and a data link radio. Motion: That Grant VE3XTV be allowed to operate at TV repeater, and use the call sign VE3YRC for a period of one year. Moved Mike VA3MCT seconded Geoff VA3GS. Carried.
  14. Membership Database: John VA3JI. John will update the list of board members who will be allowed access to the database
  15. Trillium Grant: Eric VE3EB
    • Eric suggested that we hold off until the fall, before proceeding with a grant proposal and application.
    • Eric also suggested using a Drop-box for board documents.
  16. Outreach: Mike VA3MCT. We need to approach the public to create awareness of our club, typically a table at a library or a farmer's market, to pass out information to the public.
Meeting adjourned at 21:05. Moved Geoff VA3GS, seconded Eric VE3EB. Carried.
  • Trailer insurance: On-line Motion: 2017-07-21-1 to pay $811.00 for trailer insurance. Moved David VA3DCY seconded Chris VE3NRT. Carried.
  • On-line Motion: 2017-07-21-2 that we authorize John VA3JI to act as interim treasurer, and give him the authority to sign the cheque for the trailer insurance on behalf of the board. Moved David VA3DCY seconded Chris VE3NRT. Carried.