Saturday 22 August 2015

Another Balloon Experiment Takes Flight

It crossed the region a little further North than the last one, crossing St. John's Sideroad about half way between Yonge and Bayview travelling eastward. Also unlike the previous flight, which crossed the South shore of Lake Ontario and was over Delaware when it reached the Atlantic Ocean, this flight (number 4) has stayed North of the 401, at least so far.

Check out the status page for this new mission. The last one made it more than 1/2 way over the Atlantic. Maybe this one will make landfall over Europe. The battery doesn't stay charged overnight so a little after dark the transmitter goes quiet and we wait until it gets light and hope we hear from it again.

Here's a full size map of the flight track.

Previous posts about flight #3: part one, part two.

1 comment:

  1. As of 10:30 AM EDT Saturday August 22nd the balloons have recently passed just South of Goose Bay, Labrador and continue to travel ENE at a speed of 195 kilometres per hour. By Noon they should be over the Northern Atlantic heading toward the Southern tip of Greenland. The reported altitude is 27,320 feet. The forecast upper level winds are from 250 to 260 degrees at about 75 knots (139 KPH), which is a bit slower than the balloon's reported progress. Since launch the instruments report an average ground speed of 75 kph
