The club participated in the York Region Emergency Preparedness Fair on May 4, 2016. This was held at
York Region Headquarters in Newmarket. Nine club members participated this year. Although the "target audience" this year was regional staff, the general public was also welcomed. Quite a few people expressed interest in amateur radio and we pointed out how ham radio "is there" when other means of communications go down. Many asked if
ham radio was on the ground in
Fort McMurray, Alberta right now. We also mentioned the recent earthquakes in Ecuador and amateur radio activity there. All stations were activated in the trailer and some QSO's were made including DStar QSO's on VE3YRK with England and U.S.A. (a mobile in WV).
Participants this year: Geoff VA3GS, Cec VA3HE, Barry VA3LLT, Rick VA3VO, John VE3IPS, Rob VE3RQB, Terry VE3ODM, Bruce VE3BV, Steve VE3UT
YRARC Trailer in front of York Region HQ |
CEC VA3HE and Steve VE3UT |
John VE3IPS, Barry VA3LLT, Rick VA3VO and Rob VE3RQB |
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