Thursday 14 May 2015

Minutes - YRARC General Meeting 2015-05-05

Meeting held at the Sharon Temperance Hall. The meeting was called to order at 1935, chaired by Chris VE3NRT. 41 members and 3 guest in attendance. Geoff VA3GS Secretary Pro Tempore.
  1. Agenda
    • The agenda for the meeting was presented. Eric VE3EB requested that Public Service Events be added to the agenda. Item was added.
  2. Minutes of the last meeting:
    • Motion 2015-05-05-01 by Eric VE3EB to approve the minutes of the April meeting as published online in the Splatter Blog, seconded by Steve VE3UT. Motion carried.
  3. Financial update, John VA3JI:
    • Reported that the balance was the same as reported at the April meeting, [Balance is available to members from the Club Secretary], less the $150.00 the BoD had voted to cover the cost of the new antenna for the 6m repeater.
  4. News:
    • Robert VA3BXG has been appointed by the BoD to manage the EmComm group.
    • Nominations for the Harvey Bell Award are due by 31 May.
    • Dayton: Rick VA3VO has room in his vehicle if anyone is interested in going to Dayton.
    • The June meeting will be the annual Club BBQ and AGM
    • Club members will be electing 6 new directors at the AGM in June. Anyone wishing to stand for election should contact Chris VE3NRT.
  5. Field Day, Steve VE3UT
    • Will be held at the same site as last year.
    • Contacts with other EmComm/ARES stations will be organized to garner additional points.
    • Planning for the event is well under way. Members of the local municipal government will attend, as well as a reporter from the local newspaper.
  6. Public Service, Eric VE3EB: Operators are required for the following events. If interested please contact the Public Service Director, indicating the event(s) that you are interested in helping with.
    • May 31 York - Simcoe Riders MADD Charity Ride. Provide communications at 4 check points in and around the region. The route will start at the Newmarket town offices, go east of Newmarket this year into Mt. Albert , Udora and north into Jackson's Point and back to the Newmarket town offices. This is the same route used for the first year that the club supported this event. Ham Operators required 6-8. Hrs: 8:00am – 3:00pm approx.
    • June 5 Mt. Albert Sports Parade. Provide communications and safety with York Regional Police at various points along the parade route. Ham Operators required 10. Hrs: 5:00pm – 8:00pm approx.
    • June 6 Mt. Albert 5K Run. Provide communications and safety with York Regional Police at various points along the 5K run route. Ham Operators required 10. Hrs: 8:00pm – 11:00am approx.
    • June 7 Aurora Street Festival. Provide communications, Vendor Management and safety with the Aurora Chamber of Commerce in support of this year’s street festival. Ham Operators required 10. Hrs: 9:00am to 11:30am Approx. Vendor load in. Hrs: 5:00pm to 6:00pm Approx. Vendor Load out and reopen roads.
  7. EmComm, Robert VA3BXG:
    • The club was well represented at the YR Emergency Measures fair on Saturday 09 May.
    • The EmComm Net is held the 4th Thursday of the month on VE3YRC VHF, VE3YRC UHF, and VE3YRA commencing at 1930.
    • The next EmComm meeting will involve touring a repeater site.
Program: After the break Chris VE3NRT gave a demonstration of various digital modes and inexpensive pieces of apparatus and software that Amateurs can use to operate the digital modes.

The meeting finished at 2145.

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