Friday 19 September 2014

YRARC Board of Directors - Minutes 2014-08-19

Board of Directors: The following were present. Chris VE3NRT, John VA3JI, Geoff VA3GS, Rob VE3RQB, Representing EmComm: Russell VA3WTR
The meeting was called to order at 1909 with VE3NRT in the chair. In the absence of a quorum no motions were tabled or voted on. What follows is a summary of matters discussed.

  1. Governance:
    • Report from ad-hoc insurance committee (John VA3JI)
      • Only 1 trailer is covered. (the Car Mate CM6.) It is covered for $2 million liability (only) on the auto policy and for damage under the Lloyds policy.
      • The auto policy insures the trailer while it is being towed and is in addition to any coverage provided by the vehicle doing the towing. If the trailer is NOT being towed, then the auto policy doesn't cover it. (Lloyds does).
      • The tower trailer is NOT insured for towing. ie it is NOT covered by an auto policy [Motion passed in July to prohibit towing until insured].
      • The limit of liability coverage for the club under the Lloyds policy is $2 million for whatever happens (that is a covered type of loss of course). This is for whatever types of activities we carry on like the Hamfest, Field Day, public service, or whatever.
      • There is no directors and officers liability coverage for the board.
      • The limit of coverage for loss for the covered trailer is $15,000. Do we know how much the equipment mounted on it is valued at? Can we prove it?

        Here is what the insurance company says about the trailers when being towed by a PRIVATE vehicle (doesn't apply if the tow is a commercial vehicle).
        “In regards to the trailer - this would be the case for Liability coverage only while towing, however that only applies to personal trailers. Commercial trailers must be listed on a commercial auto policy in order to be covered for Liability purposes."

        • We need to cover BOTH trailers on the auto policy. That way no matter who/what is towing them we know we have enough and proper insurance.
        • We need directors and officer insurance. The board is managing a significant financial asset and we are not protected if something goes wrong.
        • We should determine a value for the stuff stored in the trailer and be sure that it is less than $15,000 or increase the coverage to enough.
        • The offsite repeaters are specifically covered on the Lloyds policy but the storage container is not. We should value the equipment stored in the container and see if it
          warrants coverage. Previously it would have been covered under Bruce's house insurance. We should send a list of what we have and what we expect to the insurance company for a professional review to make sure we are not buying too much or the wrong insurance. They know the policies, we don't.
        • The insurance company requires more information on the tower trailer.
        • We need to locate the old tower trailer operations manual, re-write it to apply to the new tower trailer, and submit it to the insurance company.
      • VE3RQB determined that the club trailers could be towed without an annual inspection as they were below the legal loads limits.
  2. Newmarket street lamp issue.
    • VA3GS had contacted VE1JBL, who lives in Amherst, NS. This is where the LED street lights are manufactured. VE1JBL had heard no reports of interference to Amateur Radio by the lights but would investigate further.
  3. Changes to budget estimates? in the absence of the full board this was deferred to the next meeting.
  4. Property
    • GO Kit Storage
      • The GO Kits have been moved from the VE3HII QTH to the storage container with the exception of the hand held radios which are with VE3NRT (not including cases).
    • Inventory
      • 5 Aluminum cases that house the ICOM HT's (ID-80D)
      • 3 Black cases for Mobile Go-Kits (ICOM IC-880H)
      • 1 ID880H and Samplex Power Supply
      • 1 12 Volt charger
      • 2 large cases that house the Field Supplementary Kits
      • 2 Bags of 4' Poles
      • 2 Jet Stream 144/432 Antennas
      • 9 12 Volt Batteries
    • Maintenance
      • Recharge HT`s on a monthly basis and before any public service events. I keep the HT`s out of the kits for easy transport to Events. Every 4 months I discharge the units prior to recharge.
      • Every two months I top off the 9 12Volt small car Batteries
    • Missing items from trailer: To be determined
    • Necessary maintenance & upgrade recommendations: To be determined
  5. Repeaters
    • Transfer of the VE3YRA call from Bruce VE3BV to another member of the club has to be orchestrated and the necessary documents sent to IC. VE3NRT would look after this.
  6. Events
    • Tracking volunteers for recognition and lack of support from members was discussed.
    • A request to use the trailer at the Markham Fair in October was approved,.
    • Recent and upcoming events were discussed
      • Aug. 25: Remembering Renata walk is along the Nokiidaa Trail. Chris DXZ is driving this event.
      • Sept 6/7: Caribbean event in Newmarket, being driven by Don Matthews.
      • Oct 5: Run for the Cure, No confirmation on our requirements. Use of the trailer would nice but will be bumped by the Markham Fair.
      • October 2, 3. 4 & 5 Markham Fair Russell VA3WTR is driving this event
      • Date not posted Newmarket Santa Parade in November, no bookings yet (driven with independent hams by Don Matthews., not a club event). Does the club enter the COMM trailer and/or the tower trailer as a float?
  7. Membership Matters
    • Information about members would be collected at the September meetings. VA3GS would produce a sign-up form. The logistics of this is to set up early, before 1900, with lots of extra pens on hand. As soon as the forms are completed members can pay their dues.
    • Up-coming programs are, subject to change:
      •  02 Sep: Don VE3IXJ on his "home brew" 2 m repeater
    • Project Night: VE3HII has offered to look after this
    • Basic Amateur Class: VA3GS said that he would offer a course in April – June 2015.
    • Hamfest: VA3GS said that planning was well underway
  8. Motion to purchase Field Day trophy tags ($30): Deferred to the next meeting
  9. Budget - the budget for 2014-15 was discussed:
  10. VE3NRT pointed out the club’s dependence of revenue from our hamfest.
  11. EmComm:
    • VA3WTR reported that there was a possibility for the club to secure an out-of-service ambulance that the region would maintain.

Meeting adjourned at 2110.
Geoffrey Smith VA3GS
Secretary pro-tem

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