Saturday, 22 October 2016

YRARC General Meeting Minutes - 2016-10-04

Meeting held in the Sharon Temperance HallMeeting held in the Sharon Temperance Hall. Called to Order at 19:30 by Chris VE3NRT. Total members and guests attending: 39 including 5 guests and 2 new members.
  1. Welcome & Introductions – Chris VE3NRT
  2. Coax Connector Tips – Doug VE3VS. Doug passed on preparation tips to make perfect connections with RG8 or RG213 type cables and PL259 connectors.
  3. Adoption of Minutes from 2016/09/06 general meeting. Moved by Bill VA3QB, seconded by Jack VA3UU. Carried
  4. Treasurer’s Report – John VA3JI
    • Opening Balance 2016/09/01 [Available to members upon request to secretary]
    • Income: Hamfest vendor fees: $325.00
    • Membership dues: $610.00
    • Expenditures: Name plates for awards: $10.00
    • Repeater link antenna: $75.00
    • Post Office box rental: $240.69
    • Liability and Directors insurance: $1112.48
    • Bank charges for PayPal: $4.56
    • Closing Balance 2016/10/04 [Available to members upon request to secretary]
    • Additional income to be deposited: Hamfest vendor fees $42.00; Membership dues (tonight) $185.00
    • Moved the treasurer's report be adopted, by John VA3JI, seconded Jack VA3UU. Carried
  5. Public Service Report – Eric VE3EB. Past public service events include: Sunday Sept 18, 2016 Sharon Temple wedding (parking), Saturday Oct 01, 2016 Sharon Temple 2 weddings (parking), Sunday Oct 02, 2016 Run for the Cure
  6. Hamfest Report – Geoff VA3GS. We need MANY volunteers, for setup on Friday, the event on Saturday morning and for teardown after the event is over. Bob Heil's attendance should be confirmed 2 weeks before the Hamfest. Community service hours for high school students are available when helping with this event.
  7. EmComm Report – Don VE3IXJ. There is an EmComm meeting the second Thursday of each month in the Newmarket Community Centre, 200 Doug Duncan Dr. The meeting will look at transmitting data digitally for IMS213 (ICS213) forms with DMR radios.
  8. Repeater Report – Steve VE3UT
    • The new link antenna was installed at the hospital site, aimed at the VE3YRA site, and the power of the link radio has been reduced, to reduce propagation toward a repeater in Western Pennsylvania. In addition the time-out timer has been removed in the link radio.
    • On the same visit, the 6m antenna was raised.
    • At the VE3YRC-V site the 100w PA was installed, and it failed shortly after installation. A second 100w PA was then installed and is stable.
    • Recently a cross-band radio at the EOC was causing interference with VE3YRC-V, resulting in the YRC-V repeater being shut down overnight. The cross-band radio, normally on EmComm “Channel 90”, was for some unknown reason, transmitting on the input to VE3YRC-V.
  9. Winter Field Day – Steve VE3UT. It has been proposed that we participate in Winter Field Day this year, held on January 28 and 29, 2017. We participated in 2015, however the noise floor at the site (Sharon Temple) was extremely high, but did disappear later in the evening. We will try to determine the noise source before returning to the Sharron Temple. Steve would welcome suggestions for an alternate site. As in past winter and summer field days, those wishing to be fed will need to purchase a $10 meal ticket, which will include breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  10. YRLAB – “RJ” from YRLAB noted that after the first amateur class last year, the antennae have been re-installed at the David Dunlap Observatory, and a second class is now underway.
  11. Membership Report – Barry VA3LLT, John VA3JI. 36 members have paid or renewed their membership to date. John is looking for missing information for 3 life members VE3SLM, VE3WHY and VE3ATO to be included in the new membership database.
  12. Fox Hunt – John VE3IPS. John is interested in holding a fox hunt on October 22.

Guest Speaker – Grant VE3XTV / VA3XTV / ZL1WTT

Grant spoke on developments in Amateur TV, and the use of DATV repeaters. The key points in operating a DATV repeater are achieving maximum gain, minimum losses, keep to broadcast standards, use horizontal polarization, employ cross-band, Rx high, Tx low, always use Rx and Tx filters to eliminate interference to and from other users, and operate amplifiers extremely linearly to avoid splatter and interference.

ATV broadcasts real-time video and audio, and uses bands above 70cm. Both analogue and digital signals can be used and adhere to NTSC, PAL for SD, 480i 576i for MD and 1080i for HD broadcasts.

Saturday, 8 October 2016

October ARES/EmComm Meeting - Change of Location

Due to a scheduling conflict the Town of Newmarket has advised us that our usual meeting place is not available for the EmComm meeting on Thursday, October 13th. They have provided an alternate location at the Old Town Hall, 460 Botsford Street, Newmarket. The November meeting will return to the Newmarket Community Centre at 200 Doug Duncan Drive.

Chris VE3NRT

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Minutes - YRARC Board of Directors Meeting 2016-09-20

Meeting held in the Magna Centre, Multipurpose Room 1. Called to Order at 19:05 by Chris VE3NRT

Board members attending: Chris VE3NRT Pres, John VA3JI Treasurer, Geoff VA3GS, Barry VA3LLT, Eric VE3EB, Steve VE3UT, David VA3DCY Secty, Doug VE3ATP, Rick VA3VO. Absent: John VE3IPS V. Pres. Others attending: None

On-Line motion 2016-08-30-1, moved by Steve VE3UT, seconded by Geoff VA3GS that we approve the purchase of a yagi antenna from Maple Leaf Communications (Bob WY) in the amount of $75.00. On 2016/08/30 the following had voted 'yes' to the motion: Steve VE3UT, Geoff VA3GS, David VA3DCY, John VA3JI and Rick VA3VO. On 2016/09/02 Barry VA3LLT voted 'yes' to the motion. 6 of 9 directors voted in favour of the motion. The following were not heard from: John VE3IPS, Eric VE3EB, Doug VA3ATP and Chris VE3NRT who could only cast a deciding vote.
  1. Agenda: Chris VE3NRT. Additions: Audit report discussions and membership. Moved by Barry VA3LLT, seconded by Rick VA3VO to adopt the agenda. Carried.
  2. Minutes: David VA3DCY. Moved by Geoff VA3GS, seconded by Steve VE3UT to adopt minutes of Board Meetings dates 2016/07/19 and 2016/08/16. Carried.
  3. Trailer: Barry VA3LLT. Motion 2016-09-20-3 to approve $200.00 for trailer maintenance for the EmComm and tower trailers. Moved by Barry VA3LLT, seconded by Eric VE3EB. Carried.
  4. Winter Field Day: Steve VE3UT. Steve proposed we participate in WFD this Year (January 28 & 29). If held at the Sharon Temple site, we should investigate the source of the noise, enquire if there is interest at the next general meeting, and book the building with Caitlin Wagg. Other sites mentioned were the summer FD site and Bales Rd.
  5. Hamfest: Geoff VA3GS. The date is Saturday November 05. Information has been sent to the vendors and publicity has been arranged. Club members will be asked to sign-up for jobs at the next general meeting. There is no information yet to whether or not Bob Heil will be attending or his requirements. Chris will prepare posters.
  6. Meetings: Geoff VA3GS. Grant VE3XTV will talk about ATV in October and John Corby will be the speaker in November talking about QRP. Paul Delaney may be the speaker in May.
  7. Treasurer's Report: John VA3JI
    • Opening Balance 2016-09-01 [available to members upon request to secretary]
    • Income: Hamfest – 4 tables $168.00
    • Dues - 20 regular, 1 family $530.00
    • Expenditures: Name plates for awards $10.00
    • Repeater link antenna $75.00
    • PO Box rental $240.69
    • Bank fees (PayPal) $3.04
    • Closing Balance 2016-09-20 [available to members upon request to secretary]
    • Moved by John VA3JI, seconded by Eric VE3EB to adopt the treasurer's report. Carried.
  8. Repeaters
    • Steve VE3UT. Motion 2016-09-20-5d to approve $200.00 for repeater maintenance. Moved Steve VE3UT, seconded by Geoff VA3GS. Amendment by Rick VA3VO, seconded by Geoff VA3GS that fuel expenses for repeater service trips over 100km be considered as repeater expenses. Amendment and motion carried.
    • The input frequency 147.825 MHz for VE3YRC-V repeater has a cycling on/off with an unknown carrier being received. Steve has disabled the repeater. Barry noted that the cross-band radio at YREOC had also been 'kerchunking' as noted previously by Don VE3IXJ.
    • The PA replacement at VE3YRC-V is on hold until a better power supply is installed.
    • The link antenna at Richmond Hill, VE3YRC-U for VE3YRA will be installed on Thursday.
    • D-Star coverage (VE3YRK-V) has shrunk. A site visit will be required to investigate the problem. Reception seems to be the problem, transmission appears to be good. (Note: After the meeting, Eric VE3EB traced the 147.825 MHz carrier to be originating at or near the YREOC.)
    • YRK Gateway: Chris VE3NRT. The gateway is OK
    • IRLP: Chris VE3NRT. The Raspberry Pi is now running solidly with a new SD card. The next requirement is to build a case.
  9. Public Service: Eric VE3EB. The last event was at the Sharon Temple. The next event is Run for the Cure, Sunday October 2. We need a minimum of 12 volunteers for this event.
  10. YRLAB: Geoff VA3GS. The new amateur licensing class is now running.
  11. PO Box. Motion 2016-09-20-7 to approve payment of 240.69 for rental of the PO Box, moved by John VA3JI, seconded by Geoff VA3GS. Carried.
  12. Audit Report Discussion: John VA3JI. It was agreed that the use of personal credit cards for large purchases or expenses, incurred on behalf of the club, has been resolved.
  13. Membership Tracking: John VA3JI. John has been creating a data base to track club membership, which will include members' names, call signs, address, email addresses, phone numbers and payment of dues. The information will be available to board members, however only the names and call signs of members will be available to the public. It was agreed that John should proceed with the project.
Meeting adjourned at 20:35. Moved Geoff VA3GS, seconded Rick VA3VO. Carried

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Minutes - YRARC Board of Directors 2016-08-16

Meeting held in the Magna Centre, multi purpose room 1. Called to Order at 19:05 by Chris VE3NRT. Board members attending: Chris VE3NRT, John VA3JI, Geoff VA3GS, Barry VA3LLT, Eric VE3EB, Steve VE3UT, John VE3IPS, Rick VA3VO, David VA3DCY. Absent: Doug VE3ATP.
Others attending: None
  1. Agenda: Chris VE3NRT. Moved by Eric VE3EB, seconded by Barry VA3LLT to adopt the agenda. Carried.
  2. Minutes: David VA3DCY. Minutes of Board Meeting date 2016/07/19 deferred until September.
  3. Treasurer's Report: John VA3JI. John was only able to attend briefly, and left the following information.
    • Opening Balance 2016/08/01 [Available to members upon request to Secreatary]
    • Income: $0.00
    • Expenditures: $0.00
    • There is an outstanding cheque #1084 from Steve VE3UT
    • Closing Balance 2016/08/16 $13,751.71
  4. Hamfest: Geoff VA3GS. The door prizes have been purchased, and Geoff is are currently negotiating with the Markham Fair about table and chair prices (we get old wooden tables). Bob Heil will be attending with Radio World, and will be making a presentation at 10:30. The Aurora Lions Club will be serving breakfast again this year.
  5. Meetings: Geoff VA3GS. In September, Don VE3IXJ will be talking about DMR, in October Grant VA3XTV will talk about Amateur TV, and in November the presentation will be about outdoor QRP. Possible future meetings could include a presentation about a DXpedition, a visit from Dr. Delaney and 10 minute show and tells.
  6. Field Day: Steve VE3UT. Field day was good this year. Our submission has been received by the ARRL. This year attendance was 63 (69 was the record) and we operated as 5A (generator and solar). We had 537 CW contacts (1074 points), 103 digital contacts (206 points) and 903 phone contacts totalling 2183 points, doubled to 4366 contact points. We had 1290 bonus points for a total score of 5656.
  7. Repeaters:
    • Repeaters: Steve VE3UT. We now have two 100w Pas, both have been repaired and are OK. One is to be returned to the YRC site at Aurora, and the second will be a spare in the container. They were repaired by Bruce VE3BV and picked-up from him in Parry Sound. From the 7330 Users Group, Steve is exploring the use of a script for an inactivity timer.
    • YRK Gateway: Chris VE3NRT. The gateway software has been replaced with G4LKX IRC DB Gateway, by Keith VA3YC. There are still some issues, which may possibly be caused by a firewall which is maintained by Gord Hewit VE3GIH.
  8. Public Service: Eric VE3EB. The Newmarket Jazz Fest was the last event, and again more volunteers are needed. A future event in the fall is Run for the Cure with not other confirmed events.
  9. YRLAB: Chris VE3NRT. A new Ham Class begins September 15, with the final exam scheduled for November 3.
  10. Other business:
    • Barry VA3LLT has purchased a new lock for the container, and distributed keys to: Rick VA3VO, Steve VE3UT, Barry VA3LLT, Peter VE3PBT and David VA3DCY (secty).
    • Steve VE3UT requested money to purchase plaques for the Harvey Bell Award and the Melted Coffee Pot Award. Motion 2016-07-19-5b, moved by Steve VE3UT, seconded by Barry VA3LLT that we allocate a maximum of $25 to purchase name tags (plaques) for the Harvey Bell Award and the Melted Coffee Pot Award. Carried.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Minutes YRARC Board of Directors 2016-07-18

Meeting held in the Magna Centre, Multipurpose Room 1. Called to Order at 19:05 by Chris VE3NRT. Board members attending: Chris VE3NRT, John VA3JI, Geoff VA3GS, Barry VA3LLT, Eric VE3EB, Doug VE3ATP, Rick VA3VO, David VA3DCY. Absent: Steve VE3UT, John VE3IPS.
Others attending: Peter VE3PBT
  1. Agenda: Chris VE3NRT. Moved by John VA3JI, seconded by Rick VA3VO to adopt the agenda. Carried.
  2. Election of President. Moved by Rick VA3VO, seconded by Barry VA3LLT that Chris VE3NRT be nominated for the office of president. There were no other nominations. Chris VE3NRT becomes the new president. Carried.
  3. Election of Officers
    • Moved by Barry VA3LLT, seconded by Rick VA3VO that David VA3DCY be nominated for the office of secretary. There were no other nominations. David VA3DCY becomes the new secretary. Carried.
    • Moved by Barry VA3LLT, seconded by Eric VE3EB that John VA3JI be nominated for the office of treasurer. There were no other nominations. John VA3JI becomes the new treasurer. Carried.
    • Moved by Geoff VA3GS, seconded by Eric VE3EB that John VE3IPS be nominated for the office of vice president. There were no other nominations. John VE3IPS becomes the new vice president. Carried.
    • Minutes: David VA3DCY. Moved by John VA3JI, seconded by Geoff VA3GS to adopt minutes of Board Meeting dated 2016/06/21. Carried.
  4. Other appointments:
    • Repeater: Steve VE3UT and Doug VE3ATP
    • WYNSORC: Geoff VA3GS
    • Public Service: Eric VE3EB
    • EmComm/ARES: John VE3IPS
    • Membership: Barry VA3LLT and John VA3JI
    • Property: Rick VA3VO
    • Trailer: Barry VA3LLT
    • Media & Communications: Eric VE3EB, VE3IPS and Chris VE3NRT
    • Field Day: Steve VE3UT
    • Meeting Programs: Geoff VA3GS and Chris VE3NRT
    • Hamfest: Geoff VA3GS
    • Moved that the positions be filled by the directors listed above, by Doug VE3ATP, seconded by Eric VE3EB. Carried.
  5. Membership: Chris VE3NRT. Chris has the current membership materials, and will turn them over to Barry VA3LLT and John VA3JI. Rick VA3VO paid his $25 membership for the new year.
  6. Hamfest: Geoff VA3GS
    • Geoff announced the prices for the coming event – Tables will be $28 each and admission will be $7 per person.
    • The door prizes have been purchased, and Geoff will visit the Markham Fair Grounds soon.
    • Flyers have been distributed at the Milton Hamfest, and 2 tables have been sold already.
  7. Field Day: Steve VE3UT (Report next meeting). Motion 2016-07-19-6c to approve payment of $170.19 for Field Day gas. Moved by Geoff VA3GS, seconded by Barry VA3LLT. Carried. (previous motion 2016-06-21-4c2 that $100.00 be allocated for gas for the generators)
  8. Treasurer's Report: John VA3JI Opening Balance 2016/06/01 [available to members upon request to Secretary]
    • Income: Field day food from members $370.00
    • Membership dues: $25.00
    • Surplus food sold at Field Day $40.00
    • Expenditures: Field day toilet $135.60
    • Repeater expenditures: $75.09
    • Trailer expenditures: $26.98
    • Trailer highway insurance: $811.00
    • Field Day gas and miscellaneous: $171.19
    • 1st deposit for Hamfest: $1,165.00
    • Door prizes, Hamfest $99.07
    • Closing Balance 2016-07-19 [available to members upon request to Secretary]
    • Field day food (preliminary)
      • Float issued for food: $1000.00
      • Collected June 7 meeting:$170.00
      • Collected at Field Day: $220.00
      • Surplus food sold to members: $40.00
      • Final total: $590.00
    • Moved by John VA3JI seconded by Rick VA3VO to adopt the treasurer's report. Carried.
  9. Motion 2016-07-19-6d to approve payment of $811.00 for trailer insurance. Moved by John VA3JI, seconded by Eric VE3EB. Carried.
  10. Property: Motion 2016-07-19-6e to approve purchase of a lock for the container, not to exceed $50.00. Moved by Geoff VA3GS, seconded by Barry VA3LLT. Carried.
  11. Repeater
    • Repeaters: Steve VE3UT (Report next meeting)
    • YRK Gateway: Chris VE3NRT. The IRCDDB gateway software has been installed, and is now working for D-Star. It is open source with good support. Thanks to Keith VA3YC. CentOS 5 needs to be upgraded.
    • IRLP: Chris VE3NRT. IRLP is troublesome. The processor is hanging-up.
  12. Public Service: Eric VE3EB
    • Past events have included the MADD poker run, the Mount Albert run, 2 events at the Sharon Temple, Aurora Street Fest.
    • Future events in the fall include the Newmarket Jazz Fest, the Sharon Temple, Run for the Cure and Animal Sanctuary.
  13. Club Submission regarding Distracted Driving:Chris VE3NRT. We should get letters of support from served agencies, in support of Amateurs being exempted from Ontario's Distracted Driving laws (on a permanent basis).
  14. YRLAB (York Region Maker Group). Maker day is September 10 (brochures?). A balloon launch is scheduled? We should support YRLAB with miscellaneous equipment and parts.
  15. Programs and Classes: Geoff VA3GS. Geoff VA3GS is offering a Ham class in September. 2 meeting programs are covered for the fall.
    Should we continue with the “Junk meeting” in January, or should it be cancelled?
  16. Harvey Bell Award Discussion; 2 nominations were made for the award; Following a discussion, it was moved by Geoff VA3GS, seconded by Barry VA3LLT that the award be presented to Rob VE3RQB. Carried. The announcement will be made at the September general meeting.
  17. 2015/2016 Audit – Actions:
    • Membership and record keeping concerns will be addressed by Barry VA3LLT and John VA3JI.
    • Property concerns will be addressed by Rick VA3VO, and will use a new lock on the container.
  18. Other Business
    • For Canada's 150 birthday celebrations, all amateurs will be able to use alternate call signs. “VE” call signs will be able to use the prefix “CG” and “VA” call signs will be able to use the prefix “CF”.
    • Doug VE3ATP noted that since our trailers have dual axles and are 'commercial' vehicles, we may be subject to CVOR regulations.

Monday, 3 October 2016

Minutes - YRARC General Membership Meeting 2016-09-06

Meeting held in the Sharon Temperance Hall - Called to Order at 19:30 by Chris VE3NRT. Total members and guests attending: 37 including 4 guests attending.
  1. Welcome & Introductions – Chris VE3NRT
  2. Adoption of Minutes from 2016-06-07 general meeting (AGM). Moved by Jack VA3UU, seconded by Rick VA3VO. Carried
  3. General Announcements – Chris VE3NRT. The club needs a new projector to replace the existing ageing projector. The estimated cost for a new projector is $1000. We welcome suggestions on where to purchase a new or good used projector. Please contact Chris VE3NRT.
  4. New Board of Directors – Chris VE3NRT. Chris welcomed new directors John VE3IPS and Rick VA3VO to the board. Continuing directors are Chris VE3NRT (president), John VA3JI (treasurer), Geoff VA3GS (hamfest and meetings), Steve VE3UT (repeaters and field day), Barry VA3LLT (membership), Eric VE3EB (public service), Doug VE3ATP (repeaters) and David VA3DCY (secretary). John VE3IPS is the new vice president and Rick VA3VO is the new property manager. A new responsibility is media and communications, shared by Chris VE3NRT and John VE3IPS.
  5. Treasurer’s Report – John VA3JI
    • Opening Balance 2016/07/01 [available to members upon request to Secretary]
    • Income: Membership (2016) $25.00
    • Honorarium (Aurora street festival) $500.00
    • Hamfest vendor fees $111.00
    • Refund advance for AGM, Field day food $253.05
    • Expenditures: Trailer insurance $811.00
    • Field day (gas, etc.) $171.19
    • Hamfest – first deposit $1165.00
    • Hamfest door prizes $99.07
    • New lock for the storage container $37.58
    • Bank charges for PayPal $1.61
    • Closing Balance 2016/04/01 [available to members upon request to Secretary]
    • Moved the treasurer's report be adopted, by John VA3JI, seconded Doug VE3VS. Carried.
    • Additional treasurer's update. Tonight we have collected memberships for 16 members at $25 each ($400) and 1 family membership at $30 ($30) for a total of $430.
  6. Public Service Report – Eric VE3EB
  7. Upcoming public service events include:
    • Sunday, Sept 18, 2016 Sharon Temple needing 3-4 volunteers
    • Sunday Oct 02, 2016 needing 9 -14 volunteers.
  8. Field Day Report – Steve VE3UT
    • Steve summarized the past field day results with the following highlights (comparing the results from the last 4 years, 2013 to 2016).
    • This year we had the highest number of QSOs 903. CW QSOs 5 better than last year and the highest ever 537. Digital QSOs lowest of the last 4 years 103 (unfortunate. Satellite QSOs highest ever 47. Second highest attendance in 4 years. First time in 4 years that we missed the W1AW bulletin.
    • *Multiplier for power NOT included
    • #Includes Bonus points and QSOs x power multiplier
    • Brian VE3IBW and Ken VE3LRK were the joint recipients of the Melted Coffee Pot award for Field Day 2016. Brian accepted the award in Ken's absence.
  9. EmComm Report – John VE3IPS/Chris VE3NRT. There is an EmComm meeting this Thursday September 8.

  10. Repeater Report – Steve VE3UT
    • The 100w PA will be installed this week at the VE3YRC-V site to replace the temporary PA.
    • The link antenna for VE3YRA at the VE3YRC-U site will be replaced with a new yagi and the repeater power will be lowered.

  11. Repeater Report – Chris VE3NRT
    • New gateway software for VE3YRK (D-Star) has been installed with help from Keith VA3YC.
    • The IRLP link has had a faulty SD card in the RaspberryPi. A new card and image has been installed and has been working for 1 week.

  12. Meeting Report – Geoff VA3GS. Geoff needs suggestions for future meetings. Should the January 'junk in the trunk' continue (yes or no) or should it be replaced with a series of '10 minute show and tells'?

  13. Hamfest Report – Geoff VA3GS. W. e need MANY volunteers, for setup on Friday, the event on Saturday morning and for teardown after the event is over. Community service hours for high school students are available when helping with this event.

  14. Basic Course – Geoff VA3GSA new ham class is being offered in cooperation with the Maker's Lab at the David Dunlap Observatory in Richmond Hill, starting soon with the final exam on November 5.

  15. Name Tags – Doug VE3VS. Anyone wanting to purchase new name tags, see Doug. The cost is $9 for tags with a pin and $12 for tags with a magnetic back.

  16. The Harvey Bell Award for 2016 was presented to Rob VE3RQB.

  • Break from 20:25 to 20:40
  • Guest Speaker – Don VE3IXJ.

Don spoke about DMR basics. DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) originated with commercial radios built by Motorola, but it is an open system. Commercially available units are either VHF or UHF, since commercial users typically use only 1 band. Tier 1 radios are simplex only. Tier 2 radios are duplex and suitable for repeater use. The Tier 2 radios also have 2 time slots available, allow 2 separate conversations to be held allowing two simultaneous transmissions on the same frequency. Time slot 1 is 27.5 ms long followed by a 2.5ms space, and time slot 2 is 27.5 ms long followed by a 2.5ms space (60ms).

Time Groups could be selectable from Local or regional groups such as a provincial group, Canada-wide group, North America or World-Wide-English. DMR radio usage has been slow to catch on, because of the high price of commercial equipment, however the Tytera TYTMD-380 costs as little as $95 US including programming cable and software. To use the radio, a user number is required, which is programmed into the radio. The name and call sign information is transmitted and displayed on the receiving radio.

When programming a DMR radio, regardless of manufacturer, they each require a code plug that carries information about repeaters – analog and DMR – frequencies, Tx & Rx offset and for DMR the various talkgroup information, scanning functions, as well as simplex channel information, DMR and analog. A DMR zone is one of a number of parts of a code plug. The zone may identify various talk groups for a particular repeater, or several repeaters, and can be a mix of DMR repeater talkgroups, analog repeaters or a group of simplex channels analog and or DMR.

Rob VE3RQB accepts the 2016 Harvey Bell Award from Chris VE3NRT