Saturday 3 June 2017

Minutes - General Meeting 2017-04-04

Meeting held in the Sharon Temperance Hall. Called to Order at 19:30 by Chris VE3NRT. Total members attending: 32
  1. Welcome & Introductions – Chris VE3NRT
  2. Adoption of the Minutes from the 2017/03/07 general meeting postponed until May.
  3. Harvey Bell Award: Nominations for the Harvey Bell award should be forwarded to the board and/or the secretary for consideration.
  4. Bylaws: Suggestions for changes or amendments to the bylaws should be forwarded to the board and/or the president for consideration.
  5. 3D Printing: The Barrie ARC has been making useful amateur related items such as PowerPole breakouts and Pi cases using a 3D printer. Mike VE3MKX had some of the items for sale and display. See also
  6. Field Day and Repeater Report – Steve VE3UT:
    • Summer Field Day will be at the same location as last year – Al's Ride on Vandorf Rd. Steve will visit the site in the next few weeks to plan a new layout, since the property has been subdivided and we will need to fit our stations within the new boundaries.
    • Food Costs are increasing, with a possible increase in the price of 'food tickets'.
  7. There has been recent malicious interference on our repeaters, resulting in a letter being sent to IC, making a formal complaint about the offender. Since IC may now be monitoring our repeaters, each user is reminded to properly identify and use proper operating procedures. If necessary, we may possibly be required to shut down links between repeaters, or shut down repeaters.
  8. Field Day Food – Peter VE3PBT: Food costs were $814 in 2014, $844 in 2015 and $864 in 2016. For 2017 the expected cost will be $976 (almost $1000). In order to purchase the proper amount of food, we need a commitment of the numbers attending SFD and wanting to be fed by the AGM in June. Doug VE3VS asked 'how many would be attending' and the answer was approximately 50 based on past attendance. Doug proposed charging $15 per person this year (50 x$15 = $750) to better cover the food costs. A show of hands supported his proposal.
    Peter's daughter Sherri, is currently in hospital, recovering from surgery. In past years she has helped Peter in the Field Day Kitchen, but will likely not be able to participate this year. As a result, this year Peter will need extra help in the kitchen from club members.
  9. Treasurer’s Report – John VA3JI
    • Opening Balance 2017/03/01 [Balance available to members on request to Secretary]
    • Income: Membership dues $75.00
    • Expenditures: New projector $536.73
    • Closing Balance 2017/04/04 [Balance available to members on request to Secretary]
    • Moved the treasurer's report be adopted, by John VA3JI, seconded Brian VE3IBW. Carried
  10. Auditor: We need a new auditor, since our present auditor is not able to continue in the position. The auditor can not be currently on the board, but professional accreditation is not required. Doug Smith VE3XV, a new member, volunteered for the position.
  11. Public Service – Eric VE3EB. There are currently 9 public service events posted on the Yahoo group. Other events need to be confirmed.
  12. EmComm – Robert VA3BXG. The last 2 EmComm meetings have been cancelled due to low participation. The next meeting will be cancelled, due to the Easter weekend. There will be a SET (simulated emergency test) on Saturday May 27 for the Golden Horseshoe area, including the Western New York and Barrie areas. Instead of activating areas like EOCs, the focus will be on setting up temporary stations (probably outside) at arenas, community centres or similar locations in your own neighbourhood, where emergency shelters could possibly be located. Communication will be made using 2m equipment (subject to change). The SET would run from 08:00 to 13:00.

Break 20:10 – 20:25

Guest Speaker Bob VE3WY – “Antennae for Limited Space”. A 1/4 wave 80m vertical antenna would be approximately 62ft high, and the ground radials would be approximately 60ft long (in all directions). Guying the tower at 60 degrees would require 70 ft of ground space. If the height of the antenna was reduced to 30ft and bottom loaded, the match would be bad. If centre loaded the match would improve, and with a top hat, the match would be better. All of the radiation patterns would be similar.

A 30ft tall, 100ft horizontal inverted “L” antenna would also have gain.

An 80m horizontal dipole would be approximately 128 ft long, with an impedance of approximately 72 Ohms (in free space). Height above ground affects impedance and the radiation pattern. At 15ft above ground the impedance would be only 7.4 Ohms and the pattern would be vertical. At 30ft above ground, the impedance would be 26.6 Ohms, at 60ft above ground, 75 Ohms and at 100' above ground, 95 Ohms. At greater heights, the pattern would become less vertical and more horizontal.

If the dipole was shortened to 60ft long with loading coils 15ft from centre, the impedance would be 44.4 Ohms (in free space). The result: it is possible to fit an antenna into limited space (including the attic of a townhouse, and watch the cable company go crazy looking for their faulty installations).

Meeting adjourned at 21:05.

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