- Approval of agenda and declaration of conflict of interest: Chris VE3NRT. Additions: 8 WYNSORC. Motion to adopt the agenda, moved Rick VA3VO, seconded Geoff VA3GS. Carried.
- Minutes: David VA3DCY. Moved by John VA3JI, seconded by Eric VE3EB to adopt minutes of the Board Meeting 2016/10/18. Carried.
- Hamfest: Geoff VA3GS
- The non-final results from the hamfest – we made a profit of approximately $2400 plus any possible deposit refund. Geoff thanked all involved for their efforts.
- The question was asked 'should we consider another venue?' The answer was 'yes' if we can find a suitable location with ample parking.
- The Lions Club sold out of their food.
- Renting the third hall costs only $200, and it is good to have a place to keep the attendees out of the rain/cold.
- The non-final results from the hamfest – we made a profit of approximately $2400 plus any possible deposit refund. Geoff thanked all involved for their efforts.
- Meetings: Geoff VA3GS
- Bring non-perishable food items to the December meeting for the food bank.
- There will be no speaker for the January meeting, but there will be time for '5 minute' show and tell presentations.
- Dr. Delaney will be the guest speaker in February or March.
- Mike VE3MKX will be the guest speaker in March or February.
- Cliff VE3KOP will be the guest speaker in April.
- Bob VE3WY will be the guest speaker in May.
- The AGM will be in June.
- Motion 2016-11-15-3b to approve $200.00 (maximum) for food at the December meeting, moved by Rick VA3VO, seconded by Eric VE3EB. Carried.
- Dr. Delaney will be the guest speaker in February or March.
- Treasurer's Report: John VA3JI
- Opening Balance 2016/10/31 [Available to members on request to secretary]
- Income: Hamfest tables $1455.00; Dues:$365.00; Auction: $140.25; Donation (COARC): $175.00; Hamfest door: $4614.90; Silent auction (Nov Mtg): $113.00; Total Income: $6863.15
- Expenditures: Hamfest prizes: $196.00; Bank fees (Pay Pal): $1.03; Repeater (WYNSORC): $10.00: -$207.03
- Closing Balance 2016/ 11/15 [Available to members on request to secretary]
- Membership to date: Full voting: 33; Associate: 5; Family:17; Life: 9; Total: 60
- Moved by John VA3JI, seconded by Geoff VA3GS to adopt the treasurer's report. Carried.
- Opening Balance 2016/10/31 [Available to members on request to secretary]
- Repeaters: Steve VE3UT
- The CW identifiers on VE3YRC-V and VE3YRA have been lowered.
- The Fox Hunt is being announced on the VE3YRC-V and VE3YRA repeaters.
- The link radio at the Bloomington site is now working, levels have been set up, but may need some final adjustments. We need to return to using the mic input on the link radio for better audio.
- The CW identifiers on VE3YRC-V and VE3YRA have been lowered.
- John VE3IPS: Members from the DDO will be attending the Fox Hunt. The starting location will be 12916 Yonge St. on November 19.
- Public Service: Eric VE3EB
- There are no public service events at the moment.
- Eric would welcome suggestions from the membership and the board for the QSL cards.
- Certificates of recognition will be prepared.
- Barry VA3LLT: Should we have coffee mugs, either with the club logo only, or logo and the individual member's name and call? He will check prices, in possible lots of 10, 20 and 30, and enquire about interest at the next meeting. Chris will check the Costco prices as well.
- There are no public service events at the moment.
- Winter Field Day: Steve VE3UT. The David Dunlap Observatory might be a possible site for Winter Field Day. Steve will check to see if it is available, and we could also include the Maker's Group and Astronomy Group in WFD. Paul Mortfield is the astronomy contact.
- Summer Field Day: Steve VE3UT. Peter VE3PBT may possibly not be available to cook be due to health concerns, however he may be able to advise and/or assist. Geoff has enquired if the Aurora Lions might be able to provide 3 or 4 meals, and is awaiting a reply.
- Hammond Museum: John VE3IPS. At the next general meeting,John will propose a trip to the Hammond Museum.
- PACTOR for EmComm: John VE3IPS. John is exploring the cost of PACTOR modems 1, 2 and 3. – Pactor 1 is the least expensive, Pactor 3 is the most expensive. It might be an item for a wish list on a Trillium Grant application, but a good business plan would be needed.
- WYNSORC: John VA3JI and Geoff VA3GS. The annual dues of $10.00 are now due. Motion 2016-11-15-8 to approve $10.00 for WYNSORC dues, moved by John VA3JI, seconded by Geoff VA3GS. Carried.
The Splatter is the on-line newsletter of the York Region Amateur Radio Club. First published as a printed newsletter in 1973, it contains club news, meeting minutes, announcements, and articles of interest to members and all Amateur Radio Operators. York Region is situated immediately north of the City of Toronto and includes the municipalities of Aurora, East Gwillimbury, Georgina, King, Markham, Newmarket, Richmond Hill, Vaughan and Whitchurch-Stouffville
Sunday 1 January 2017
Minutes: Board of Directors Meeting 2016-11-15
Meeting held in the Magna Centre, multi purpose room. Called to Order at 19:04 by Chris VE3NRT. Board members attending: Chris VE3NRT Pres, John VA3JI Treasurer, John VE3IPS V. Pres., Geoff VA3GS, Barry VA3LLT, Eric VE3EB, Steve VE3UT, Doug VE3ATP, Rick VA3VO, David VA3DCY Secty. Others attending: None
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