- Approval of agenda and declaration of conflict of interest: Chris VE3NRT
- Additions: 6 Correction to August BoD minutes and 7 Winter Field day.
- Motion to amend the agenda, moved Steve VE3UT, seconded Barry VA3LLT. Carried
- Motion to adopt the agenda, moved Geoff VA3GS, seconded Rick VA3VO. Carried.
- Additions: 6 Correction to August BoD minutes and 7 Winter Field day.
- Minutes: David VA3DCY. Moved by John VA3JI, seconded by Doug VE3ATP to adopt minutes of the Board Meeting 2016/09/20. Carried.
- Trailer: Barry VA3LLT. There is an 8” crack in the Hilomast, lower portion of the top section. Costs to repair options from the manufacturer: $250US plus brokerage fees (1 way) if shipped via UPS from Canada, $125US (1 way) if shipped from within the USA (Buffalo), $250US forrepair including parts and labour. If the mast was delivered to the factory (in Florida) the repair time would be approximately 2 hours. Other options suggested were to attempt to repair the mast section locally, pick up a replacement section in the spring and place a sleeve around the crack as a temporary fix. The agreed plan is to 1/ get a manual, 2/ order parts and ship if feasible and 3/ Chris or another club member could take the mast to Florida in the spring for repairs.
- Hamfest: Geoff VA3GS. At the moment 80 tables (including 5 courtesy tables), have been sold out of 100. Setup will be at 13:00 Friday November 4. We will only be bringing the EmComm trailer, not the tower trailer to the hamfest. Don VE3IXJ will have a static display outside the trailer. We hope to have 'QSL' cards with club information available as a handout.
- Meetings: Geoff VA3GS. There will be a silent auction at the November meeting with items from a donation to the club. Rick VA3VO will set the reserve bid prices. The January meeting could either be a 'junk-in-the-trunk' with mini presentations or, a Saturday visit to the Hammond Museum instead of the Tuesday meeting. The February meeting is undecided, March a talk from Mike VE3MKX, and the April and May meetings would be talks from Bob VE3WY and Dr Paul Delaney (dates to be determined).
- Treasurer's Report: John VA3JI
- Opening Balance 2016/10/01 [Available to members on request to secretary]
- Income: Hamfest vendors: $422.00; Dues: $185.00; Donation: $7.02; Total:$614.02
- Expenditures: Repeater: $75.00
- Closing Balance 2016/10/18 [Available to members on request to secretary]
- Hamfest Income: Tables: $588.00 (to date); Admissions: $210.00; Grand prize: $60.00; Total: $858.00
- Moved by John VA3JI, seconded by Geoff VA3GS to adopt the treasurer's report. Carried.
- Opening Balance 2016/10/01 [Available to members on request to secretary]
- Repeaters: Steve VE3UT.
- Steve asked a question from Grant VE3ATV, do we want to promote an ATV repeater? It was decided to ask the club if there is any interest, and if there is to ask Grant to talk to the club members.
- Motion 2016-10-18-4d to approve $75.00 for a mast section and cables used at the MacKenzie Richmond Hill Hospital when installing the link antenna for VE3YRA. Material supplied at cost by Rick VA3VO. Moved Steve VE3UT, seconded by Geoff VA3GS. Rick VA3VO abstained from voting. Carried.
- Steve asked a question from Grant VE3ATV, do we want to promote an ATV repeater? It was decided to ask the club if there is any interest, and if there is to ask Grant to talk to the club members.
- Public Service: Eric VE3EB
- The last events were 2 weddings at the Sharon Temple on Saturday October 1, and the Run for the Cure on Sunday October 2. There was a good turnout for the event, with 11 hams and 1 student participating.
- Eric proposed getting QSL cards for public service events and hamfests, and 10 to 20 lightweight club jackets, instead of vests, which would be owned by the club.
- We should set up a Trillium committee for funding these and other projects.
- The last events were 2 weddings at the Sharon Temple on Saturday October 1, and the Run for the Cure on Sunday October 2. There was a good turnout for the event, with 11 hams and 1 student participating.
- York Region Astronomy Association (YRAA): Chris VE3NRT. The YRAA is responsible for operation and maintenance of the equipment at the David Dunlap Observatory and also provides education to youth groups, schools and adults. In addition to optical astronomy, YRAA wants to incorporate radio astronomy into their offerings, and would welcome collaboration from YRARC. Chris will send a letter of YRARC support, to YRAA.
- Correction of August BoD Minutes: David VA3DCY. The motion number for item 5b to purchase plaques for the Harvey Bell Award and the Melted Coffee Pot Award, was incorrectly published as “motion 2016-07-19-5b”. The correct motion number is 2016-08-16-5b. Motion 2016-10-18-6, moved by David VA3DCY, seconded by Geoff VA3GS that the minutes be corrected. Carried.
- Winter Field Day: Steve VE3UT. We need to investigate the source of the noise at the Sharon Temple / Temperance Hall location, and we should ask Steve VE3EZ for assistance. 10 people attending a WFD event would be considered a success. WFD this year is on January 28 and 29.
- Brad VE3HII noted that that VE3YRA was not listed in the AMSAT report for Summer Field Day.
The Splatter is the on-line newsletter of the York Region Amateur Radio Club. First published as a printed newsletter in 1973, it contains club news, meeting minutes, announcements, and articles of interest to members and all Amateur Radio Operators. York Region is situated immediately north of the City of Toronto and includes the municipalities of Aurora, East Gwillimbury, Georgina, King, Markham, Newmarket, Richmond Hill, Vaughan and Whitchurch-Stouffville
Sunday 1 January 2017
Minutes: Board of Directors 2016-10-18
Meeting held in the Magna Centre, Multipurpose Room 1. Called to Order at 19:00 by Chris VE3NRT. Board members attending: Chris VE3NRT Pres, John VA3JI Treasurer, Geoff VA3GS, Barry VA3LLT, Eric VE3EB, Steve VE3UT, David VA3DCY Secty, Doug VE3ATP, Rick VA3VO, Absent: John VE3IPS V. Pres. Others attending: None
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