The board also reviewed our existing property coverage and determined that while our coverage of the trailer and its equipment are adequate, the repeater equipment has excessive coverage. This has been corrected, and along with the better rates offered by RAC, we were able to significantly reduce the premium without increasing our exposure. This money can be put to better use for repeater & trailer maintenance and upgrades and for that purpose we have created a reserve fund, which will be increased over time annually as our income permits.
During the summer our web site provider decided to remove the low-cost option we were using, effectively tripling the cost of maintaining the web site. We decided to move the site to a private server using a WordPress platform and this is about to launch. It should also be easier for the site's contributors to keep content up to date.
2024 was a good year for the club. In 2023 we started training new amateurs again and those new hams have become active participants in the club. In January we welcome on of those new hams, Rose VE3SFP, to the board of directors. Her official duties will be determined at the board's January meeting.
We also had our first hamfest since 2019. With rising costs of venues, it was scaled down from last decade's events at the Markham Fairgrounds, which is now priced beyond viability, but it met our participation and financial goals. Thanks go to the many club members who contributed to its success, and to Jan VE3ZYL for organizing it.
Our ARES Team, along with interested club members, were busy in 2024 with two major exercises and several training classes, including IMS (Incident Management System) levels 200 and 300 classes that were held by the Region of York Emergency Management Office, and ACS (Auxilliary Communication Service) training by Jason Tremblay of RAC. We're looking forward to expanding the core ARES team in 2025 along with some additional preparedness initiatives.
Eric VE3EB and all the public service volunteers had their busiest year ever with events. Not only is this fun to do, and good training, but it provides an immense benefit to the club's image in the community. This pays dividends in attracting new members and winning the support of other organizations in the community. Thanks go to the many volunteers who stepped forward to help.
At the close of 2024 we also mourn the loss of former member David Oman VE3HCR in September.
At the start of 2025 we are looking forward to welcoming new hams, putting some new initiatives into action, and getting together with friends old and new for some ham radio fun.
Wishing everyone a safe, healthy & prosperous 2025,
Chris VE3NRT
President, York Region Amateur Radio Club