Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Minutes - YRARC Board of Directors 2017-06-20

Meeting held in the Magna Centre, Multi Purpose Room 1. Called to Order at 19:00 by Chris VE3NRT
Board members attending:
  • Chris VE3NRT Pres.
  • John VE3IPS V. Pres.
  • John VA3JI Treasurer
  • Geoff VA3GS
  • Eric VE3EB
  • Doug VE3ATP
  • David VA3DCY Secty
  • Rick VA3VO
  • Barry VA3LLT
Absent: Steve VE3UT Other attending: Charles VA3TTB, Mike VA3MCT Secretary's note: Board members finishing their terms are Chris VE3NRT, John VA3JI, Doug VE3ATP and Steve VE3UT. Newly elected board members are Chris VE3NRT, Steve VE3UT, Charles VA3TTB and Mike VA3MCT
  1. Approval of agenda and declaration of conflict of interest: Chris VE3NRT
    • Additional item: Internet link for trailer- Doug VE3ATP
    • Motion to adopt the agenda, moved Geoff VA3GS, seconded Barry VA3LLT. Carried.
  2. Minutes: David VA3DCY. Motion to adopt the minutes of the 2017/05/16 meeting, moved John VA3JI, seconded John VE3IPS. Carried.,
  3. Treasurer's Report: John VA3JI
    • Opening Balance 2016/06/01 (Balance available to members on request to secretary)
      • Income: Field Day food (pre-pay) $300.00
      • Field Day food (pre-pay) $15.00
      • Total income $315.00
    • Expenditures: Barry – gas for trailer gen. $7.54
    • Geoff – AGM food $46.97
    • Info cards (printing) $135.60
    • Field Day food $1050.00
    • Total expenditures -$1,240.11
    • Closing Balance 2017/06/20 (Balance available to members on request to secretary)
    • Moved by John VA3JI, seconded by Rick VA3VO to adopt the treasurer's report. Carried.
  4. Field Day Report: Rick VA3VO
    • We have purchased the non-perishable food items.
    • The tower trailer has been delivered by Doug VE3ATP.
    • The meat has been purchased.
    • The 30lb propane tank has been filled, but it expires next month. We will need to replace the tank.
    • It is undecided what band(s) to use for GOTA.
    • Invitations to area officials have been sent, but no response has been received yet.
  5. Public Service Report: Eric VE3EB. Past events were the Mount Albert 5K Walk/Run, June 3 and the Aurora Street Sale, June 4, with both events having a good turnout from members. Unfortunately the Police Venturers were not able to attend the Aurora event as hoped. Upcoming events include the Sharon Temple Heritage Day on June 8, the Sharon Temple Canada Day celebration on July 1 and the Newmarket music festival in mid August.
  6. Trailer: Barry VA3LLT. Motion 2017-06-20-6 to approve payment $126.00 for gas for the trailer generator. Moved Geoff VA3GS, seconded Rick VA3VO. Carried.
  7. Board Officers and Responsibilities: Chris VE3NRT. Chris gave a brief explanation of the duties of officers of the club, including the president, vice-president, treasurer and secretary, plus other board and committee responsibilities.
  8. Hamfest: Geoff VA3GS
    • Geoff announced the new prices for admissions at the hamfest. Admission, now $8 per person (up $1 from $7) and the price for tables, now $27 (down $1 from $28).
    • The Aurora Lions Club will again be asked to do the catering.
    • The date is Saturday November 4.
  9. Trailer Internet: Doug VE3ATP
    • Doug offered the club an available antenna on his tower at 300' for an internet link to the trailer.
    • Two 900 MHz radios would be needed – one at his site and one in the trailer.
  10. EmComm: John VE3IPS. For the recent SET, the trailer was used at the Bales Drive as the hub of the operation. Communication was set up with the regional EOC and with mobiles around the region. Markham needs work to reach Bales Drive (little or no communication possible). John is in contact with Bonnie to coordinate future events.
Meeting adjourned at 20:00 Moved by Eric VE3EB, seconded by John VA3JI. Carried
On-Line Motion 2017-06-22-1 to approve payment $785.80 for Markham Fair hamfest deposit.

Monday, 18 September 2017

Minutes - YRARC Board of Directors Meeting 2017-08-15

Meeting held in the Magna Centre, Multipurpose Room 1. Called to Order at 19:02 by Steve VE3UT.
Board members attending:
  • Barry VA3LLT
  • Charles VA3TTB
  • Chris VE3NRT
  • David VA3DCY
  • Eric VE3EB
  • Geoff VA3GS
  • John VE3IPS
  • Mike VA3MCT
  • Steve VE3UT.
Absent: Rick VA3VO. Others attending: none
  1. Approval of Agenda & declaration of conflicts of interest. Amendments: none. Motion: To adopt the agenda. Moved Eric VE3EB, seconded Chris VE3NRT. Carried.
  2. Minutes: Motion: To adopt the minutes of Board Meeting 2017/07/18. Moved Charles VA3TTB, seconded Geoff VA3GS. Carried.
  3. Election of President: Moved by Eric VE3EB, seconded by Charles VA3TTB that Chris VE3NRT be nominated for the office of president. No one else stood for election. By a unanimous vote, Chris VE3NRT becomes the new president. Carried. As newly elected president, Chris now chaired the meeting.
  4. Election of Treasurer: Moved by Barry VA3LLT, seconded by Steve VE3UT that Charles VA3TTB be nominated for the office of treasurer. There were no other nominations. By a unanimous vote, Charles VA3TTB becomes the new treasurer. Carried.
  5. Actions arising from previous board meeting: Steve VE3UT.
    • David and Steve met to finish the Summer Field Day accounts.
    • The Markham Fair cheque has been delivered.
    • The go-kits are to be re-called.
    • Inventory tags – to be followed-up.
    • Access updated to allow new board members access to the membership database.
    • Outreach by Mike and Eric at the farmer's market – Newmarket Music Festival booth.
    • Cheque for trailer insurance has been sent.
    • Bank signatures for the new executive need to be done.
  6. Treasurer’s Report: Not available.
  7. Committee Reports:
    1. Trailer: Barry VA3LLT. The trailer needs a clean-up. Some storage containers have been broken during transit. Barry will buy new replacement containers. Motion: 2017-08-15-7a to allot $200.00 for trailer maintenance. Moved Barry VA3LLT, seconded Geoff VA3GS. Carried.
    2. Repeaters: Steve VE3UT.
      • Steve needs to travel at times to get test equipment from Bruce VE3BV, and requested re-approval to pay for gas for extended travel. Approval unanimous.
      • Mike VA3MCT asked about repeater operation during the during the planned SET where there will be no power for an extended period. Only VE3YRA would have extended operation, the other repeaters have only battery backup.
      • Motion: 2017-08-15-7b to allot $200.00 for repeater maintenance. Moved Steve VE3UT, seconded Geoff VA3GS. Carried.
    3. Hamfest: Geoff VA3GS. Information is on the RAC web site, and information will be passed out at Junk-in-the-Trunk on August 25. Mailings are to be sent.
    4. Web Site: Mike VA3MCT. Mike has built a new web site with information from the existing site. He will present it to the board for comments and approval. Next step will be to check the domain, but the site will not go on-line until after the hamfest.
    5. Property: Rick VA3VO. No report.
    6. Public Service: Eric VE3EB
      • A past event was at the Sharon Temple on July 22.
      • Eric and Mike attended the Newmarket Farmer's Market and distributed “QSL” cards with interest from the public.
      • The upcoming Newmarket Music Festival needs additional help from members.
      • Sunday October 2 is the date for Run for the Cure.
    7. EmComm: John VE3IPS. Mike VA3MCT will become the new RAC Emergency Coordinator for York Region instead of John. We should do our own “SET” like exercise within York Region to test our own internal communication.
    8. Field Day: Steve VE3UT
      • Motion: 2017-08-15-7ha to pay $50.49 to David VA3DCY for gas for field day generators. Moved Geoff VA3GS, seconded John VE3IPS. Carried.
      • Motion: 2017-08-15-7hb to pay $71.85 to Rick VA3VO for gas for field day generators. Moved Geoff VA3GS, seconded John VE3IPS. Carried.
  8. Other Business:
    • Possible donation of a trailer: Steve VE3UT. Steve offered a tent trailer to the club for the club's use. It was noted that there would be problems (costs) if owned by the club, and potential storage issues if parked with the EmComm trailer and the tower trailer. Geoff suggested parking it at Al's Tack Shop. Steve will investigate.
    • IRLP: Chris VE3NRT wishes to pass the IRLP construction to someone else. He will maintain/update the software on the Raspberry Pi. Steve VE3UT offered to take over the project. Chris would host the finished project.
    • Harvey Bell Award: We need to get the Harvey Bell Award returned, and make a new label and award it to DonVE3IXJ at the September meeting.
    • The Secretary, David VA3DCY will issue a recall notice for the Go Kits.
    • Barry VA3LLT mentioned a new tower to be erected in Georgina. He will investigate.
Meeting adjourned 20:40. Moved Geoff VA3GS, seconded Eric VE3EB. Carried