Saturday 15 November 2014

Minutes of General Meeting 2014-11-04

Meeting called to order 7:30 PM, Chris VE3NRT as chairman, John, VA3JI, taking minutes. Chris made introductory remarks.
  1. Introduced guests and members, 25 people present.
  2. Brian, VE3IBW, moved to accept the minutes of the October meeting, seconded by Bill, VA3QB, passed.
  3. John, VA3JI, gave Treasurer's report and moved its acceptance. Seconded by Glenn, VA3AU, passed. We have approximately [balance available to members on request to Secretary] in the bank but some expenses for the Hamfest have not been paid. A closer estimate would be [estimate available to members on request to Secretary].
  4. John, VA3JI, gave the financial portion of the Hamfest report. We had 565 admissions and 87 tables sold. Geoff, VA3GS, will have a fuller detailed report when he returns from Italy in December.
  5. Steve, VE3UT, reported on Winter Field Day. Runs noon 24 Jan, 2015, to noon 25 Jan. We have arranged for use of the Sharon Temperance Hall (where we meet) but due to previous commitments for the hall, we must be cleaned up and gone by 12:45 PM on Sunday at the latest.
  6. Eric, VE3EB, reported that 6 people wrote their exam at the Hamfest; 5 passed.
  7. Eric, VE3EB, is arranging for the entry to the Newmarket Santa Claus parade. We will be entering the Communications Trailer in the parade. Rob will be towing it.
  8. Don, VE3IXJ, gave the EMCOMM report.
  9. Steve, VE3UT, provided the repeater report. We have poor coverage in Georgina and he is looking at having a secondary repeater there as a relay. He is looking at obtaining an Internet connection at the Richmond Hill Hospital site.
  10. There is now a repeater in the Communications trailer for emergency use only. Callsign is VE3RCY and it requires a 100 Hz sub-audible tone to access it. This is on an uncoordinated frequency pair that can only be used intermittently.

Speaker was John, VE3IPS, who gave a presentation on the Elecraft KX3 QRP rig and its accessories. He also discussed Buddipole antennas.

Next meeting 2 December, 2014. This is the annual Christmas party. Please bring non-perishable food items for the food bank.

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