Monday, 6 November 2017

Minutes: YRARC General Meeting 2017-10-03

Meeting held in the Sharon Temperance Hall. Called to Order at 19:30 by Chris VE3NRT. Total members and guests attending: 36
  1. Welcome & Introductions – Chris VE3NRT. Chris presented Don VE3IXJ with the Harvey Bell Award for his past and present contributions to the club.
  2. Treasurer’s Report – Charles VA3TTB
      Opening Balance 2017/09/01 [Balance is available to members upon request to Secretary]
    • Income
      • York Arts Music Festival: $600.00
      • Dues $780.00
      • Field Day refund: $354.20
      • Hamfest table rental $70.00
      • Total: $1804.20
    • Expenditures:
      • Bank Fees: $2.33
    • Closing Balance 2017/10/01 [Balance is available to members upon request to Secretary]
      Charles also spoke about a proposed project night.
  3. Public Service Report – Eric VE3EB
    • We supported Run for the Cure (year #8) with parking and vehicle management. It was a successful event for the organizers.
    • The club received letters of appreciation from the Mount Albert Sports Day and the Run for the Cure organizers, for our participation in their events.
    • The next events will likely be in the spring of 2018.
  4. EmComm Report – Mike VA3MCT. On October 14 there will be an Ontario wide SET. The York Region EOC will be activated, and members are encouraged to make check-ins during the SET. Further details to be provided closer to the event. Communication on 40m and 60m will be attempted using NVIS antennae.
  5. Membership Report – Barry VA3LLT. This is the last day to pay membership dues, before your membership expires. The Go-kits are being refurbished.
  6. Hamfest Report – Geoff VA3GS
    • Our annual hamfest will be held on November 4 at the Markham Fairgrounds. This year we will use Hall 2 as the entrance as before, and this year, all exhibits will be in Hall 1.
    • We will need lots of help, on Friday for preparation, on Saturday morning to run the event and also for tear-down. When we do the cleanup, we save ourselves money.
    • We especially need help with security, parking and admissions.
  7. Winter Field Day – Steve VE3UT. Winter Field Day will happen in January 2018. It is both a contest and an emergency preparedness event. We will be operating outdoors again this year, with antenna and station setup done as a team. The intent is to be able to erect antennae as quickly as possible. It is proposed that the club pay for gas and beverages and that meals be the responsibility of the participants. The proposed site will be Al's Tack Shop, 4812 Vandorf Rd in Stouffville.
  8. Repeater Committee Report – Steve VE3UT. IRLP and Echolink are running. Steve gave a demonstration of IRLP and Echolink with the help of Bruce VE3BV who was at home. See for a list of IRLP nodes. Also mentioned, there is an Echolink app for Android and Apple devices.
Guest Speaker Hugh VE3AYR – “Vimy 100”. Hugh talked about Vimy 100, an event to commemorate the 100thh anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge.

Planning started back in 2011 for a special event with amateurs from across Canada running a commemorative station from locations across Canada.

A special, non-standard call sign was obtained: VE100VIMY, along with a corresponding French call sign TM100VIMY. Although the site of the Vimy Memorial is Canadian territory, the air waves are not, thus the use of the French call sign.

  • The Canadian operation ran from 2017 Jamuary 01 to 2017 March 31. In April 2017, the operation moved to Arras France, the closest town to the Vimy Memorial. The station in France ran from 2017 April 01 to 2017 April 09.