Saturday 1 February 2014

Minutes: YRARC Board Meeting Jan 21/14

Meeting held January 21, 2014 in Room 101 at the Magna Centre, Newmarket.

Meeting called to order at 1910 by Chris VE3NRT. Other directors present were Publius VE3XS, Geoff VA3GS, Steve VE3EZ, Rob VE3RQB, Richard VE3NSD, Barry VE3LLT, Eric VE3OIC, and John VA3JI.
  1. Moved by VA3JI, seconded by VE3OIC that the agenda be adopted. Motion carried.
  2. Moved by VE3LLT, seconded by VA3GS that the minutes of the December meeting of the BoD be adopted. Motion carried.
  3. VE3NRT reported on the SPLATTER blog. At present he was moderating all comments but planned to provide access to special posters.
  4. VE3NRT reported on the club’s 6 metre net on Monday evenings. The net commences at 2000 on 50.175 MHz; mode is SSB. The objective of the net was to increase interest in 6 metre activity, and would not function as a true net with a net controller.
  5. Field Day was the next topic of discussion. Band captains had been established. Possible locations were discussed. VE3UT would be invited to a future BoD meeting to discuss Field Day.
  6. Storage of club materiel was discussed. VE3NSD would report back at the next BoD meeting about the possibility of using the Bales Road site.
  7. There was a discussion of the new club tower and the need for a new trailer for it.
    • Moved by VA3GS, seconded by VE3OIC that VA3LLT would chair a committee to explore all options. Motion carried.
  8. VE3OIC and VA3GS reported on the process of updating the club’s by-laws. A draft version would be circulated to the BoD in the near future.
  9. The rest of the meeting involved status updates:
    • Membership: VE3EZ reported that there are 1500 Amateur Radio operators in York Region according to the IC database.. It was suggested the club send out a QSL card to each operator with an invitation to participate in Field Day 2014. VE3NRT will forward some photoshop files with pictures of the trailer to VE3EZ for incorporation into the QSL card.
    • VE3EZ reported on the club’s repeaters.
      • A repeater site contract with was in progress with respect to the repeater site provided by Doug Peckover for VE3YRK.
      • The repeater equipment stored in VE3BV’s garage was being evaluated. Some repeaters would be cannibalized to produce a store of spare parts. Those left intact could be offered to other radio clubs.
      • If the problems with the IRLP set-up at the residence of VA3JI could not be resolved another possible site would be atop York Central Hospital where the VE3YRC repeater is located.
      • VE3EZ had secured the instruction manual for the analogue repeater controllers.
    • The BoD meeting space had been confirmed for 2014
    • The EmComm meeting space had been confirmed for 2014. The contract would be brought to the next meeting by Richard VE3NSD.
    • The club insurance is renewed annually. A copy of the policy would be brought to next meeting by John VA3JI and a motion made to approve the payment of the premium.
  10. At 2110 VA3JI moved that meeting adjourn. Seconded by VE3EZ. Motion carried.
Geoffrey Smith VA3GS
Secretary Pro Tem

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