YRARC Boards of Directors

Each year, at the Annual General Meeting, the club elects members to the board. The current procedure is to elect 5 directors each year, whilst the other 5 continue their two year terms into the following year.

The following list of current and past directors is being compiled as information is located.


  • Chris Sullivan VE3NRT
  • Ron Gibson VE3CGR
  • Eric Brown VE3EB
  • Jan Gibson VE3ZUL
  • Rick Armitage VA3VO
  • Alan Heighway VA3WAH
  • Rob Schuetze VE3XBI
  • Jeff Zeck VE3ZCK
  • Martin Francis VA3PHP


  • Chris Sullivan VE3NRT (President)
  • Michael Crabtree VA3MCT (Vice-President)
  • Michael Veit VE3BWV (Secretary)
  • Ron Gibson VE3CGR (Treasurer)
  • Eric Brown VE3EB
  • Jan Gibson VE3ZYL
  • Rick Armitage VA3VO
  • Paul Lynott VA3PNL (resigned Oct)
  • Alan Heighway VA3WAH
  • Rob Schuetze VE3XBI


  • Chris Sullivan VE3NRT (President)
  • Benny Muus VE3MUU (Vice-President)
  • Michael Veit VE3BWV (Secretary)
  • Ron Gibson VE3CGR (Treasurer)
  • Eric Brown VE3EB
  • Michael Crabtree VA3MCT
  • Rick Armitage VA3VO
  • Paul Lynott VA3PNL
  • Alan Heighway VA3WAH
  • Jim Greig VA3EZN


  • Chris Sullivan VE3NRT (President)
  • Michael Veit VE3BWV (Vice-President)
  • Sandra Weir VA3SWB (Secretary)
  • Pablo Sabbag VA3HDL (Treasurer)
  • Steve Holland VE3UT
  • Michael Crabtree VA3MCT
  • Rick Armitage VA3VO
  • Benny Muus VE3MUU
  • Jim Greig VA3EZN
  • Christopher Netherton VA3NTH


  • Chris Sullivan VE3NRT (President)
  • Michael Veit VE3BWV (Vice-President)
  • Sandra Weir VA3SWB (Secretary)
  • Pablo Sabbag VA3HDL (Treasurer)
  • Eric Brown VE3EB
  • Steve Holland VE3UT
  • Michael Crabtree VA3MCT
  • Rick Armitage VA3VO
  • Barry Byrom VA3LLT
  • John Leonardelli VE3IPS


  • Chris Sullivan VE3NRT (President)
  • Steve Holland VE3UT (Vice-President)
  • David Craig VA3DCY (Secretary)
  • John Iliffe VA3JI (Treasurer)
  • Eric Brown VE3EB
  • Geoff Smith VA3GS (SK)
  • Barry Byrom VA3LLT
  • Michael Crabtree VA3MCT
  • Rick Armitage VA3VO
  • John Leonardelli VE3IPS

Mid-year appointments

  • Rob Barnett VE3RQB


  • Chris Sullivan VE3NRT (President)
  • Steve Holland VE3UT (Vice-President)
  • David Craig VA3DCY (Secretary)
  • Charles Smith VA3TTB (Treasurer)
  • Eric Brown VE3EB
  • Geoff Smith VA3GS
  • Barry Byrom VA3LLT
  • Michael Crabtree VA3MCT
  • Rick Armitage VA3VO
  • John Leonardelli VE3IPS


  • Chris Sullivan VE3NRT (President)
  • Steve Holland VE3UT (Vice-President)
  • David Craig VA3DCY (Secretary)
  • Charles Smith VA3TTB (Treasurer)
  • Eric Brown VE3EB
  • Geoff Smith VA3GS
  • Barry Byrom VA3LLT
  • Michael Crabtree VA3MCT
  • Rick Armitage VA3VO
  • John Leonardelli VE3IPS


  • Chris Sullivan VE3NRT (President)
  • John Leonardelli VE3IPS (Vice-President)
  • David Craig VA3DCY (Secretary)
  • John Iliffe VA3JI (Treasurer)
  • Eric Brown VE3EB
  • Geoff Smith VA3GS
  • Barry Byrom VA3LLT
  • Michael Crabtree VA3MCT
  • Rick Armitage VA3VO
  • Steve Holland VE3UT


  • Chris Sullivan VE3NRT (President)
  • Steve Holland VE3UT (Vice-President)
  • David Craig VA3DCY (Secretary)
  • John Iliffe VA3JI (Treasurer)
  • Rob Barnett VE3RQB
  • Eric Brown VE3EB
  • Geoff Smith VA3GS
  • Doug Peckhover VE3ATP
  • Alf Burnham VA3BLE
  • Barry Byrom VA3LLT


  • Chris Sullivan VE3NRT (President)
  • Rob Barnett VE3RQB (Vice-President)
  • Chris McGaffey VA3DXZ (Secretary)
  • John Iliffe VA3JI (Treasurer)
  • Eric Brown VE3EB
  • Geoff Smith VA3GS
  • Barry Byrom VA3LLT
  • David Craig VA3DCY
  • Steve Holland VE3UT


  • Chris Sullivan VE3NRT (President)
  • Eric Brown VE3OIC (Vice-President)
  • Chris McGaffey VA3DXZ (Secretary)
  • John Iliffe VA3JI (Treasurer)
  • Richard Langlois VE3NSD
  • Geoff Smith VA3GS
  • Publius Ismanescu VE3XS
  • Steve Orr VE3PIP
  • Rob Barnett VE3RQB
  • Barry Byrom VA3LLT


  • Steve Holland VE3UT (President)
  • Chris Sullivan VE3NRT (Vice-President)
  • Bob Knowles VA3IL (Secretary)
  • Steve Orr VE3PIP (Treasurer)
  • Geoff Smith VA3GS
  • Steve Arkell VE3SHA
  • Publius Ismanescu VE3XS
  • Bob Morton VE3WY
  • Mark Magner VE3CT

Mid-year appointments

  • Bruce Clements VE3BV
  • Svend de Bryun VE3SWN


  • Eric Brown VE3OIC (President)
  • Steve Holland VE3UT (Vice President)
  • Steve Brady VA3SRV (Secretary)
  • Steve Orr VE3PIP (Treasurer)
  • John Meskes VE3POJ
  • Keith Burrow VE3FUY
  • Bob Morton VE3WY
  • Bob Knowles VA3IL
  • Geoff Smith VA3GS


  • Eric Brown VE3OIC (President)
  • Steve Brady VA3SRV (Secretary)
  • Steve Orr VE3PIP (Treasurer)
  • Bernie Roche VE3OTR
  • Alan Heighway VE3WAH
  • Joe Bowers VA2IJO
  • Bob Morton VE3BFM
  • Karl Sack VA3VAS
  • Glenn White VA3AU


  • Eric Brown VE3OIC (President)
  • Greg White VA3VFO (Vice-President)
  • Patrick Wood VE3WST (Secretary)
  • Steve Orr VE3PIP (Treasurer)
  • Bernie Roche VE3OTR
  • Alan Heighway VA3WAH
  • Bob Knowles VA3IL
  • Joe Bowers VA2IJO
  • Karl Sack VA3VAS
  • Glenn White VE3MKO


  • Bob Knowles VA3IL (President)
  • Eric Brown VE3OIC (Vice-President)
  • Doug Holmes VE3CWO (Secretary)
  • Steve Orr VE3PIP (Treasurer)
  • Alan Heighway VA3WAH
  • Bob Knowles VA3IL
  • Bruce Graham VE3EVV
  • Glenn White VA3AU
  • Karl Sack VA3VAS
  • Patrick Wood VE3WST


  • Rob Metcalfe VA3RBM (President)
  • Dave Marzetti VE3SLM (Vice President)
  • Doug Holmes VE3CWO (Secretary)
  • Bill Pincombe VE3SBR (Treasurer)
  • Alan Heighway VA3WAH
  • Mark Magner VE3LLL
  • Bruce Graham VE3EVV
  • Patrick Wood VE3WST
  • Glenn White VA3AU
  • Neil Macklem VE3SST


  • Rob Metcalfe VA3RBM (President)
  • Dave Marzetti VE3SLM (Vice President)
  • Doug Holmes VE3CWO (Secretary)
  • Bill Pincombe VE3SBR (Treasurer)
  • Alan Heighway VA3WAH
  • Dave Oman VE3HCR
  • Bruce Graham VE3EVV
  • Patrick Wood VE3WST
  • Glenn White VA3AU
  • Neil Macklem VE3SST


  • Rob Metcalfe VA3RBM (President)
  • Doug Holmes VE3CWO (Secretary)
  • Bill Pincombe VE3SBR (Treasurer)
  • Alan Heighway VA3WAH
  • Dave Oman VE3HCR
  • Rob Gibson VE3CGR
  • Bruce Graham VE3EVV
  • Patrick Wood VE3WST
  • Trish Groom VA3FXF


  • Rob Metcalfe VA3RBM (President)
  • Doug Holmes VE3CWO (Secretary)
  • Bill Pincombe VE3SBR (Treasurer)
  • Greg White VA3VFO
  • Alan Heighway VA3WAH
  • Dave Oman VE3HCR
  • Rob Gibson VE3CGR
  • Bruce Graham VE3EVV
  • Patrick Wood VE3WST
  • Trish Groom VA3FXF


  • Rob Metcalfe VA3RBM (President)
  • Doug Holmes VE3CWO (Secretary)
  • Bill Pincombe VE3SBR (Treasurer)
  • Tim Wildeboer VA3TIM
  • Alan Heighway VA3WAH
  • Dave Oman VE3HCR
  • Rob Gibson VE3CGR
  • Bruce Graham VE3EVV
  • Patrick Wood VE3WST
  • Trish Groom VA3FXF


  • Rob Metcalfe VA3RBM (President)
  • Doug Holmes VE3CWO (Secretary)
  • Bill Pincombe VE3SBR (Treasurer)
  • Tim Wildeboer VA3TIM (Property Manager)
  • Alan Heighway VA3WAH (Membership)
  • Dave Oman VE3HCR (Programs)
  • Rob Gibson VE3CGR (Public Service)
  • Bruce Graham VE3EVV
  • Patrick Wood VE3WST
  • Trish Groom VA3FXF


  • Rob Metcalfe VA3RBM (President)
  • Doug Holmes VE3CWO (Secretary)
  • Bill Pincombe VE3SBR (Treasurer)
  • Tim Wildeboer VA3TIM
  • Alan Heighway VA3WAH
  • Dave Oman VE3HCR
  • Rob Gibson VE3CGR
  • Bruce Graham VE3EVV
  • Ryan McArthur VE3TXV
  • Charlie Walker VE3SYK


  • Bob Knowles VA3IL (President)
  • Rob Metcalfe VA3RBM (Vice President)
  • Doug Holmes VE3CWO (Secretary)
  • Bill Pincombe VE3SBR (Treasurer)
  • Tim Wildeboer VA3TIM (Property Manager)
  • Charlie Walker VE3SYK (Advertising & Promotion)
  • Alan Heighway VA3WAH (Membership)
  • Dave Oman VE3HCR (Programs)
  • Ron Gibson VE3CGR (Public Service)
  • Ryan McArthur VE3TXV


  • Wayne Groom VA3BFN (President)
  • Bob Knowles VA3IL (Vice President)
  • Doug Holmes VA3CWO (Secretary)
  • Bill Pincombe VE3SBR (Treasurer)
  • Tim Wildeboer VA3TIM (Property Manager)
  • Charlie Walker VE3SYK (Publicity)
  • Alan Heighway VA3WAH (Membership)
  • Dave Oman VE3HCR (Programs)
  • Rob Metcalfe VA3RBM (Club Activities)


  • William Dent
  • Fred Codd VE3FRD
  • Heather Holmes VE3HQH
  • Doug Holmes VE3CWO
  • Elman Campbell
  • Henry Dubois
  • Bob Knowles VE3DLJ


  • Bob Knowles VE3DLJ (President)
  • John Epworth VE3GQF (Past President)
  • Doug Holmes (Secretary/Treasurer)
  • Fred Codd VE3FRD
  • John Epworth VE3GQF
  • Maurice Challenger VE3GBN
  • Lyle Leyland VE3DCC

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